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How the lock down can lead to self-motivation in isolation


Word type: noun, (masculine)

Other spellings: lock-down

Hyphenation: Lock|down plural: lock|downs


Pronunciation/emphasis: IPA: [ˈlɔkdachar], plural: [ˈlɔkdachar]


Word meaning/definition: mostly with reference to North American conditions: (during a killing spree, a terrorist attack or the like), for safety reasons, complete blockading of a building, building complex or a specific area occupied or frequented by people (which usually involves the barricading of people in the building (s) or on the area and with the curfew of all residents of the surrounding buildings within an established security zone)


Related terms: curfew

Opposites: Open House

Parent terms: lock down, safety measure, emergency


Typical word combinations: one Lockdown arrange, impose; under Lockdown stand


Nominative: singular lock down; plural lockdowns

Genitive: singular lockdowns; plural lockdowns

Dative: singular Lockdown; plural lockdowns

Accusative: singular lock down; plural lockdowns

Source: “Lockdown” in the online dictionary Wortbedeutung.info (22.3.2020) (in excerpts)



Have you ever noticed how much society loves panic?

It thrives in the midst of crowds of people, it grows into new dimensions, it creates completely new “factual” realities. By itself, it doesn't go as well, it kind of dies off like a fire without oxygen. On the other hand, calm doesn't spread half as fast as panic.

In this past week, like many of us, I found myself panicked and it was so easy to find friends and strangers who stoked my anxiety and encouraged frenzied behavior. After all, we may be living in the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu (where the hysteria wasn't fuelled by social media). It is so much more exciting to be drawn into fear than into peace!

As Thich Nhat Hanh said, “If we are not calm, we cannot listen deeply and understand. But when our mind is calm, we can see reality more clearly, like still water that reflects the trees, the clouds, and the blue sky. Silence is the basis for understanding and insight.”

In these times, it's important to surround yourself with people (even if it's digital) who encourage you to be calmer, react softer, think more thoroughly before you speak, and act more gently.  


Here are 9 ideas to help you look ahead during this time:


Create or maintain healthy habits. Continue with your meditation or yoga practice, there are so many options that are now available to us online. Eat healthily, drink enough water. This will not only boost your immune system but also boost your mental wellbeing.


Recognize your sentiments on. It's normal to go through a series of feelings within minutes! We are actually all in the process of grieving, we are not only mourning the tragedy that is taking place in the world, but we are also mourning life as we knew it.


Every day positive affirmations make. In stressful times when it's pitch dark, we often resort to negative self-talk, and it's hard to imagine it ever getting light again! Discipline yourself to find time for positive affirmations, set a reminder on your smartphone calendar and give yourself the words you need. The spoken word has the power to create new realities, use your words to build your self-esteem.


Spend as much time outside as you can. That might not be possible everywhere, but try to find a place where you have something every day fresh air can get.


Find beauty. Look around for something nice every day, some days you might find it easy, other days you might need to search even harder. Whether it's an object in your house or a beautiful view, consciously search for it, recognize it, be thankful for it and share it with others!


Build meaningful relationships. Surround yourself with people you can confide in your insecurities. People who lift you upwhen you're feeling down. It is important that these are reciprocal relationships, because when we give, we are just as blessed as when we receive.


Do you have a specific plan for the day. This will give you stability even when you need to start sorting your cabinets. Build a structure into your days, it will give you a certain sense of security.


learning It's a new skill. Not only will this change your brain chemistry, make you a more interesting person and ward off dementia, it will also help combat boredom! So turn off Netflix and sign up for the language course you've always wanted to take!


Plan your next trip. Dreams are what make life worthwhile — talk to one of our team members to help you create your own unique Africa experience.


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